

The natural future of national things

Sprechsaal gallery, Berlin

opening: 16.1 « 19:00

16.1- 14.3.2015


Lior Wilentzik


Alma Alloro

Dorit Bialer

Yemima Fink

Mia Gourvitch

Benyamin Reich

Naomi Tereza Salmon

Lior Wilentzik

Michael Steindel

Simha Talalaevsky

Adi Gelbart

Gabriel S Moses

Shira Kela & UY

Giulia Palombino

Maya Attoun & Meital Katz Minervo

Assaf Abutbul

With additional talks by:

Avi Bochbot

Gali Cnaani

Tal Hever-Chybowski

Gabriel S Moses

Dekel Peretz

Press release

from the last talks screenings & performances in Sprechsaal...

                           Die Asporas event program 16/1-14/3/15 Sprechsaal gallery

24.1.15  18:00 | Zionism, Postzionism and Antizionism as a quest for identity - Dekel Peretz

Jewish and Christian identities in Germany have been constantly re-imagined in accordance with shifting political and social frameworks and fantasies. The talk will attempt to trace back some of these changes throughout modern German history, based on visual and textual examples.

Dekel Peretz studied history, philosophy and economics in the Humboldt University Berlin. Currently he is working on his

PhD, titled “Nation-building and utopia in the thought of Franz Oppenheimer and Martin Buber” in the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European Jewish Studies in Potsdam.

12.2.15  18:00 | Cultural identity complexes, as presented in works of Die Asporas

A talk and discussion with the Die Asporas artists around the current installation Nachvolk.

Lior Wilentzik is the manager and curator of Die Asporas – a touring project based in Berlin, which showcases young

immigrant Israeli artists whose work examines cultural identity issues arising from their encounters in the unfamiliar environment. The installations consist of various media: photography, digital art and video, graphic design and drawing.

An emphasis is put on the artists’ biographical, personal and formal visual positioning, in attempt to better understand the current trend of Israeli immigration to Berlin.

14.2.15 18:00 | From the struggling years of immigration to the ״cassette revolution״

of the golden 80s - Avi Bohbot

A historical review of the visual modes of representation of the Arab Jewish musician in Israeli pop-culture.

Avi Bohbot is an Israeli graphic designer, based in Berlin since 2013. In 2010 he graduated his Bachelor degree in

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. Since 2013 he studies in the Masters program of the Visual

Communication Department in KHB-Weißensee, Berlin.

21.2.15 18:00 | What is Diasporic Hebrew?

Tal Hever-Chybowski is the director of the Paris Yiddish Center (Medem Library) and founder of the Diasporic Hebrew

journal Mikan Ve'eylakh (forthcoming)  in Berlin.

Drawing upon Simon Dubnow, Franz Rosenzweig, Simon Rawidowicz, Victor Klemperer, Max Weinreich and Daniel

Boyarin, this lecture will explore various problems in the attempt to define diasporic Hebrew. It will ask whether diasporic Hebrew depends on the existence of a non-diasporic Hebrew, whether it can be defined in positive terms, and more

practically, what it means to write Hebrew diasporically (i.e. are there specific linguistic features, or a specific vocabulary

of diasporic Hebrew? Finally, the lecture will discuss to what extent diasporic Hebrew is a language of the past, of the

presence and of the future.

28.2.15 18:00 | Restoring rituals, narrating textiles  -  Prof. Gali Cnaani

Contemporary attitudes toward Judaica  in the works of students of the textile department at Shenkar college

The talk will present collaborations between textile design students in Shenkar college and the Einy Brothers Company

(experts of antique carpet restoration and cleaning). The students use textile techniques and language, to reflect on

subjects such as ritual, restoration and identity in contemporary Judaism and Judaica.

Gali Cnaani is a textile artist and a professor in the textile department at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in

Ramat Gan and in the department of jewelry and fashion at Bezalel academy in Jerusalem.

6.3.15 18:00 | The future nativity of the digital self - Gabriel S Moses

Artist talk on the video ENHANC[=MENT – an augmented graphic novel.

What would happen if Lennon's dream of "no countries ... no possessions" mutated into a Frankenstein-neocapitalist-

nightmare, where western expansion collapses all state borders to the point in which 'otherness' becomes nothing more

than an outdated meme? Would all the kids network in telepathic English, from suburbs all around the globe? Or would

these “smart” teens turn to fundamentalist terrorism, out of sheer boredom, just for kicks and clicks? Can today’s science

fiction do anything but barely try and enhance an already fundamental present?

Gabriel S Moses is a sequential artist who's also into media theory … or in other words, he's into v-e-r-y serious comics

for v-e-r-y serious people.

Featured literature:

Linn Fischer | Mischling

Tine Fetz | This is not Uganda

Gabriel S Moses | Spunk, Subz